Thursday, May 6, 2010

Need a hobby.

I get bored very very easily.

I usually have long days in the lab and when I was working out and exercising things there was no time to get bored. But lately, I've been having short days in the lab, a very nice vacation and just preparing for experiments starting sometime next month. 

But in the interim, I have nothing to do. I get bored and that leads to annoyance and then I get bored even more. There are only so many shows that I can possibly watch on TV at the same time.

I think I need to get a hobby. Or work more. I prefer a hobby. Photography is one ( but it's a bit difficult to be filler all the time. I tried to take up painting, but the best I can do is use a painting book where the picture is already drawn in; and I still go outside of the lines (Yes, I suck). 

Now I'm bored of writing this blog. 

1 comment:

Thank you visitor # for wanting a part of my thoughts..