Saturday, May 30, 2009

My finalists :)

Thanks everyone for helping out choosing.

I've edited these to the best of my abilities ! Results for the contest will be declared in October. Keep your fingers crossed!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

"Do you realize that you will no longer have any TV, sir?!"

"You won't even have anything to watch sir !"

"Not even backup!"'s the end of the world for me. No more cable or even *gasp* basic cable. What will I ever do..

Read a freaking book. Watch shows on Maybe concentrate on getting my PhD done. Brush the cat. Just stumble or like the rep probably thought "My god!!! He has no life!"

Interesting times..

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Finally I succumbed..

and joined a library. My first time ever. I guess the recession has come down to grass-root levels now. Just cannot afford to buy $27 (yes!!) hardcovers any more.

But I think that even the library is soon (give or take 5-10 years) will become an antiquity. With gizmos like Amazon's Kindle where you can view .pdfs and word documents just like paper ( would think that there's just a sheet of paper underneath the screen), instant access to Wikipedia (ok..not the best of sources but useful enough), dictionaries, and even a crude web-browser, reading is going to be revolutionized. A short search on the torrent sites gives me almost any book that I would like to read. If you don't want to go the pirate way, then just buy an electronic version of the same book - they come in that format now as well. You can carry your electronic library with you everywhere.

Until I can save up enough (or a few GREAT friends buy it for me - *hint - get the Kindle DX* ) I'm going to be going to the library ! Yay for free public libraries !

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Start uppers..

Being stuck in a NYC traffic jam and having a pre-existing road-rage condition, doesn't help the mood while driving. Even the music playing does not help much..but then comes along a song and you just get into it. You start singing loudly along, and then the next song and then you're just in a great mood...

These are few of the songs that really start me up down that path....

Friday, May 1, 2009

Today's big thing ...

I came across this on Stumble (sigh..where else?)

Most of them are pretty funny..thought I'd share some insomnia..


Enjoy !

Thank you visitor # for wanting a part of my thoughts..