Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Bad writing days..

In the last two days, I've composed two bad emails. Bad just because they didn't have the desired effect and that they were both taken in the wrong sense. 

This comes back to my earlier post but unfortunately that's how it is. I wish my intended message was delivered but unfortunately it wasn't. Now I feel like a jerk when I probably shouldn't. 

Candidness, upfrontness (not a word!) and ambition doesn't help sometimes. 

Monday, November 2, 2009

The scariest thing I saw this Halloween.

Forget ghouls, goblins, grim reapers, evil clowns. Most of those are imaginary (all clowns are evil!) What this post is about is very much real and scarier than any costume anyone can think of. It is probably one of the most disturbing things I've watched the last few years. 

It is very very disturbing for a number of reasons: 
  1. From the trailer : A FIVE year old talks about being saved and that he found Jesus. 
  2. Children are being made to pray to a cardboard cutout of George W. Bush
  3. Mother home-schooling her son - " Did you get to the part yet where it says that science doesn't prove anything? And it's really interesting when you look at it that way..." 
  4. Children are playing with torchlights in the night, making ghosts stories up, scaring each other, having a jolly good time being children. In walks the camp leader and says "I don't like ghost stories; some of them are fun - but they don't honor God". I'm sure you can imagine how thrilled the kids got with that sort of comment. 
  5. Kids are convulsing and crying like they've done murder. Guilt and fear are strong motivators for brain washing. Forget government conspiracy theories for mind control. Indoctrinate a child with religion and he's yours forever. 
  6. "Warlocks are enemies of God. And I don't care what kind of hero they were, had it been in the old testament, Harry Potter would've been put to death!!". Cut to a kid with a sad face. (This is old news - you could read more about it here)
  7. Little girl goes up to a group of African Americans sitting by the road and says "If you die right at this moment, where would you go". Guy says "Heaven". Girl says "Are you sure?", "yes". Girl walks aways looking very unbelieving "I think they were muslims". 
  8. basically the next 1.5 hours is more on the same lines...
If you've got netflix, blockbuster or can get the movie from somewhere, do have a watch.

Children at that age should be hogging on candy, playing with a ball, doing child-like things. Not wanting to be saved, or in training to become "religious soldiers". One of the little boys in the documentary is a born-leader. He would talk and people would listen. He is now being groomed to 'spread the word of God' and 'lead a revolution'. That's just what we our children to become revolutionaries. 

I was very upset watching this. I tried to think back to my childhood. My parents are religious and I'm not. Not in the slightest. I was maybe as a child. But I have made my choices since then. However, I cannot recall even a SINGLE incident when I was told that all other religious beliefs are bogus, and there is only one truth. 

Like in this video above, it's bullshit that there are some religions of the sword and some are not. 

Thank you visitor # for wanting a part of my thoughts..