Sunday, September 21, 2008
The most annoying question in the world..
Monday, September 15, 2008
Just not prepared...
I started off well, had the classes attention and then I blundered in one problem. That's ok...I'm not perfect. I made a mistake but I didn't panic. I looked at what I'd written on the chalkboard and then I panicked !! I was completely lost..I had no clue what came next. I turned around, looked at the class and I guess they could see the big "?" on my sucked to see that look on their faces.
I asked them to give me a moment and I ended up taking several. I still didn't get it. All I could do was apologize to them. I guess this is the first time it has happened to me and so I blundered all over the next 20 mins remaining in the section. Ultimately I could only apologize to them..not because I was sorry that I couldn't explain it to them - but because I wasted their time and ultimately their money. I looked at the problems after the section and I could solve every one of them in a matter of seconds...
It was embarrassing, humiliating and extremely humbling. I wasn't not prepared for the recitation; I just wasn't prepared to blank out.
I didn't teach much today; but I learned so much....
Friday, August 8, 2008
A new lady...
She is petite though her body is slender and sleek. She is learning her grace now. She is active in a playful manner, always inquisitive but at the end of the day just wants to cuddle.
I am happy she is in my life...everyone meet Mica.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Ooff!! The arrogance...
In academia I feel that I've come across two types of it. The first kind, "I know this is true, been proved many times and what you're saying is utter nonsense." is tolerable. This I've seen from professors who have maybe 40 odd years of experience and accumulated knowledge and are willing to listen to arguments. In the end they may be wrong, but these types of people are willing to change their minds. I can accept this...the brief flare up of anger inside me can be just that, brief.
The second kind, "I'm sorry, but you don't know what you're talking about. I've personally never seen this and I don't think that it can be true" type of arrogance just gives me a peptic ulcer. I've noticed this sort of thing come up in post-docs and other PhD students most often. What nerve !!! In your academic learning life of maybe 6-8 years, you're trying to tell me you've never seen this?? Absolute rot. I've experienced this first hand. It normally starts of with little disagreements, then finger pointing at how inept you are and then finally to open disdain. Well...screw you.
Another form of arrogance, and this may pass of as unnoticed, comes from success. You're successful (in this I mean by how much you earn..nothing to do with whether you're doing a good job or not) and I've heard many times - "Hah ! How can you not get such and such?! Please stop complaining about money. Let's go on a vacation. Come on...are you serious? Surely you can do this..." I've been the giver and receiver of such arrogance before - I hope I've improved in the giving department.
I cannot stand arrogant people and I am more than willing to tell someone to take their stupidity and immaturity somewhere else. No one deserves to be arrogant.
Monday, July 14, 2008
A minute of silent distraction...
At the last international orientation volunteers' meeting we were asked to have a moment of silence for the departed. What is this moment of silence for? The first thought I had was of course of how they passed away. It was a tragedy that they did, but if it was to be a moment of silent respect..then I didn't have any. The driver was drunk and he got two of his friends killed. respect there. But I didn't know any of them and it may be a little harsh on my part. Whatever...after this extremely brief period, I started thinking if I'd ever done anything stupid like that. I didn't. If I feel like I've had half a drink too many, no driving. I guess the correct and right thing to do is not have a single drink when you're going to drive. After spending three seconds on that, I moved on to other distractions. Looking sneakily around, wondering what other folk are thinking, thinking about what exactly you ought to think about? Is there a point to this?
Moments of silent respect - I had these when my grandfather passed away. I think I respected him more than any one I've ever known. But losing someone very close to you don't end with a moment of contemplation; they're normally long periods of mourning and remembrance.
Thinking back to all the times where I've been asked to silently contemplate....I cannot remember even a single time where I wasn't distracted in about two seconds. Its awkward; most of the time you didn't know the person well enough to think about them. The moments after are even more awkward I think - people looking around each other wondering if someone caught them staring at their bellies or looking around wondering which one wasn't paying their due "respects".
I don't know....what do you think when you're contemplating such things?
Friday, July 4, 2008
You work with what ?!
After that the conversation is normally done (80% of the time..), but a few times I'll be asked "Oh. What exactly do you study?" and I'll be "Aging and I have particular interest in muscle aging." That 99% of the time is the end of that discussion. Very rarely I'll be asked "So how do you particularly study this...?" and then I'll start a whole series of "Ewwwwwww" or "Yuck..." or "REALLY?!" by saying that I work with worms.
My work revolves around determining what, if any, is the role of small RNA molecules called microRNAs in aging, especially muscle aging (Not going to talk about microRNAs!!). Since these are molecules, I should say at the outset that I am in general a molecular biologist and more specifically a molecular geneticist - since these tiny RNAs have their own genes.
So coming back to worms….Now please don't confuse what worm I'm talking about.
These are NOT the worms I work with - but this is the sort of image that most people hold in their minds. And earthworms are very useful as everyone knows and are actually studied. But they are not model organisms - they are not used to generalize a phenomenon or extrapolate a phenomenon studied in their species to our species, at least, not that I know of.
A model organism is one in which a basic or specific biological phenomenon can be studied in detail and extrapolated to having the overall same mechanism in rats, monkeys, dogs, horses, armadillos, and of course the only real organism we care about, humans. A model organism is usually a simple, well-defined system of whose basic biology is easy to understand and shares (we hope) at least some conserved features across different species of animals (and plants and microbes). They should be easy to maintain and rear, they should not have very long generation times (ideally) and finally if possible, their genetics should be well understood (for my field).
The model organism that I study, the worm Caenorhabditis elegans, is almost microscopic (the adults are normally 1mm and even the mutant long worms are no larger than 2mm). It is completely transparent and is composed of exactly 959 cells (yes! Someone did actually sit and count every single cell and every single descendent of every single cell from the one celled stage). It lives for ~3 weeks in the lab (and it is my duty to make them, and by extension us, live longer and happier) and is super cool J
Here is a video of it moving around on the plate-
C. elegans has been used to figure out the details of several very important biological phenomena including apoptosis (how some of our cells are programmed / induced to die in response to starvation, damage, infection or just while they are forming the organism e.g. our fingers are webbed while we grow - cells in between are programmed to die so we have separate distinct fingers), RNA interference and microRNAs (this is what I study and received last years Nobel Prize in medicine), the signaling that goes on between cells when we’re embryos and a whole lot of other stuff. It’s also been a model for muscle aging since the muscles it uses for movement age and deteriorate almost identically to our own.
In any case - I’m writing this so people have an idea about what model organisms are and why worms and the other model organisms shown below are useful - after all it would be slightly problematic to create mutants of humans by forcefeeding DNA damaging chemicals and exposing your “privates” to radiation to better science and understanding !
Model organisms:
1. Escherichia coli - bacteria, most commonly found in our feces :)
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Another species gone extinct !
Sunday, June 22, 2008
The price of distance..
To be in another country altogether is even tougher. I will have been in the US for 5 years now this July. I've missed all the usual things from back home like food, drink, friends, family. But the thing that I miss the most is opportunities.
The opportunity to run into someone I know at a bar and have 10 drinks with them. The opportunity to pick up the phone and meet at the nearest coffeeshop. The opportunity to play endless games of scrabble. The opportunity to say hi to my dad when he walks home from work. The opportunity to play "kicchad football" after the first rains. To switch on the TV and just watch the most random cricket game. To sit around sea face and chat about nothing and everything. The opportunity to meet friends of a friend and "bitch" about them. A 100 and one different things. The opportunity to harass my sister about a neice or nephew. To relive moments that have had some meaning to me.
It's not that I cannot do that here. I probably could...some definitely yes but most definitely no. There've been countless times where I'm browsing through my phone book (which still has all the India phone numbers on it) and want to call people up. Random people...people I've not spoken to in ages. Sometimes I'll actually start dialing the international numbers but the time and distance make it difficult and then the moment is gone.
This december I plan on making hay when the sun shines !
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Friday the 13th
Awoke to my mirror smashing on the floor with glass everywhere. This thing fell straight of the wall.
All 55 of my samples failed to sequence..this is SUPER rare. Wasted the whole day trying to figure out DNA.
Lost like a newbie in Soul Calibur 3 (14-36) !!!!
Coincidence or a sign?
GOOD Thing I didn't go gambling..
Friday, June 6, 2008
My near-pit experience!
The first "real" step into the universe of music for me was Pink Floyd and Wish You Were Here. Now Waters was my very first concert and it was as Pink Floyd as you can get (if you can get it without David Gilmour at the guitar). However it was a great and really fulfilling concert, with the music taking precedence and the crowd more or less in the "swaying with the music" mode. Almost everyone there was donning some Floyd garb or the other, weed could be smelt in the air along with lots of beer. All in a very musical experience.
MUSE is one of the bands I've been following the last few years. Their music is unlike what I'm used to. Their songs are different album by album, their music changes song to song. It keeps things interesting. Matt Delarmy's voice is phenomenol and his guitaring superb! I could go on. The concert was OUT OF THIS WORLD !! They sounded just like in their album (which initially I thought was shady, but apparently the band is completely against lip-synching - watch what they do here!). In anycase, I was in the seated section ( I didn't know that standing would be more fun), but the seats were great. The concert was out of this world and I cannot wait for the next one...
Which brings me to the topic of the post. My near-pit experience. Now the two concerts I've mentioned above were pretty much a mellower music compared to System of a Down and Serj Tankian. Check out some of the tracks from System of a Down here and here (I don't know too many, but they are fairly hard metal). So even though Serj Tankian's new album is much much more mellow than System of a Down, that's obviously not going to matter to the fans..who are here to watch System. It did to me of course, cause I wanted no part of a MOSH pit. Here is a youtube video of some mosh pits though these are MUCH MUCH more extreme than what I was standing one man (sometimes) thickness away from.
So what is a MOSH pit? According to Wikipedia (and NO, I don't much refer to it all the time..) it's "the activity in which audience members at live music performances aggressively push or slam into each other. Moshing is frequently accompanied by stage diving, crowd surfing, and headbanging. It is commonly associated with concerts by heavy metal, punk rock, and alternative rock artists."
Now from the video, you can see that it can get pretty violent. Ours wasn't that bad..there were people shoving each other, one or two fell down but all in all it was relatively harmless. I did feel the pull of joining in; but you know what with my bad knee and my relatively small stature.
This got me thinking, what's with the moshing. Personally I don't get it. Moshing mostly happens at live venues but also can be done for recorded music. Now, I have nothing against people liking heavy and death metal; I'm not into it myself. However, I do understand enjoying your music. Lots and lots of people love hard and heavy and death metal with more screaming than singing; but hey - it's still music to their ears. So what could you get from moshing. I was going through the comments on the many mosh videos and most of them are not about enjoying the music or the dance form (if you can call it a dance) making you more engaged with the music - most of them were about "kicking the shit out of people" and "I cannot wait to get my ass kicked". WHAT THE HELL?!!?
Please someone make me understand? I can understand that while you're being shoved and kicked and scratched, you're actually listening to the music and it means something more - I can atleast pretend to understand that. If anyone reading this, likes to Mosh and it means something to you other than the novelty, then let me know !!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Some more of my favorite shots..

I took this one in Udaipur, Rajasthan during my trip to India in 2006.

There are many more..they are taking time to work on. Keep looking at this page ! :)
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
My hand at HDR!
Sometimes while taking a picture, depending on conditions, it may be too bright or too dark in parts of the photograph. In order to get the whole range of colors, HDR can take pictures of different exposures and compile them together. Then the user can manipulate certain aspects of the picture to get it the way he/she wants.
The pictures can look VERY stunning...albeit sometimes a bit surreal. I like the effect. It varies from person to person..
Here is the FLICKR link for HDR. Obviously as you can see from my pictures, I'm nowhere close to this...but I plan to learn !

Friday, April 11, 2008
Thursday, March 13, 2008
The truth and nothing but...
Until I met Asli. She's one of the closest friends I have and though we have many many differences, I admire her a lot. There's a list, but the quality I've come to admire about her the most, is her almost religious need to stick to the truth and live by it. And this has made me think a lot about the truth, speaking it, hearing it, living it and the consequences of that doctrine.
The truth, plain and simple, hurts at the worse of times, most of the times it complicates things, but the best case is when you get this amazingly good feeling inside you on hearing the truth.
"Does this dress make me look fat?" - You must be careful here. The truth may hurt or simply complicate things. If you say "yes" too quickly, then there's doubt in the her mind. If you take a few seconds, there's doubt in her mind. Like I said complicated. Of course, this is probably the most trivial and inconsequential example (maybe).
"Yes, I'm sorry, it was my fault. I promise not to let it happen again." - This may or may not be true. Maybe it is your fault and you're admitting it truthfully; maybe it's not your fault and you're trying to soothe things over to , here we go again, stem the complications. I must be honest and say that I've been in both situations, and in each of them, I've felt a little dishonest.
When it is my fault, and I've meant the sorry and admitted to the truth, I promised that it won't happen again. Of course I intend to stick to it, but sometimes I do it again. And deep in my heart, when I speak the truth to myself, I knew that it would happen again. But the effort to not let it happen again was genuine. The second situation, well, that's straightforward. Everyone's been through it and I'm sure that everyone does, atleast I thought that, till I met Asli.
Then there are truths that make your heart flutter and fly all over the place, singing and dancing in happiness. You know the ones I mean. "I love you too.." from your sibling, parents, girlfriend, boyfriend, wife, husband, best friend. In these times, these words are given special importance and can only be uttered if you're "really really serious.."; whatever the hell that means. You love someone, you say it. Sometimes it will complicate things in a way that even trying to understand Special Relativity can't. Most times it'll give you or the recipient that feeling I'm talking in the beginning. Other ones which elicit the same feeling are "You don't have it..but please be more careful next time !", "I forgive you..", and my personal favourite which comes without hesitation from my best friends "Sure, no problem, time is not a problem. I'll do it. Don't say thanks and all that stuff.." You can count on these folk..
The ugly truths....and these are normally the most important ones. I say this because they normally tell us the "ugly truth" about either ourselves or of somebody else.
"Yes, I've been having an affair.", "I don't think that I love you anymore..", "I don't think that this is working out..", "I'm sorry, but you have terminal cancer." , "I think that I'm an alcoholic.", "I think that I have a lying problem.", "I think our son has a drug problem.", "I think that I'm ugly.", "Don't ever hit me again..".
Do we have the courage to face these? We've probably gone through one of these or (God forbid) several of these in our lifetimes..I've been through one or two myself, and I hope to say that I've come out a stronger and better (?) person. The truth never lies, only we do..
Friday, March 7, 2008
Anything more important?
We get caught up in our daily lives, unaware of what is sometimes important and should, must, take precedent. I’ve been caught up in my daily life almost everyday since the day I landed in the
Yeh hai Bombai meri jaan ! (This is Bombay, my love!)
When the flight landed and I collected my luggage, I made my way to the exit. Nowhere else that I’ve visited (and all my friends are welcome to correct this) have I experienced the welcome you get at
s Manchurian, a soy-sauce based dish with a dark ginger and garlic gravy with vegetable dumplings made of shredded cabbage, carrot and other veggies, Sweet corn soup, which is a cream-based mildly sweet thick corn soup, “Hakka”-styled fried noodles or fried rice. My two favorites are Wonton soup, a watery clear soup with steamed vegetable dumplings and Paneer Chilly, a spicy soy sauce stirfry of garlic, ginger, paneer (cottage cheese), hot green chillies and vinegar. Its normally had as a started. I must say that if you’re a fan of food, Indian Chinese is a cuisine you must experience.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Marine Drive
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
27 and some missing people

So I turned 27 ! Yippee ! It was a fun birthday party in the city (yes me, NYC is the "city", even though all loyalties lie to Bombay). Did some karaoke, some more eating, and lots more drinking. It was a good time and I'll remember it very fondly.
Wanted to thank a few people. Asli, you're the best, for organizing everything even though you knew that I wasn't much in the mood for it. The cake (See right) was absolutely fantastic (Jeff, Haile - you had better have eaten every last piece you took, else there'll be murder - and yes..God knows what you're doing ! :) - 11 dimensions it seems!). PEOPLE who came..thank you very much. Turnout wasn't as expected, but I could not have been happier (and happier!)
The singing was great fun..unfortunately, due to very hoarse screaming, the feature presentation "Three Little Pigs" was cut short.

Gifts are always fun and I got some great ones. My staple and favorite cologne by Issey Miyaki (Moya and Aash, I'm BACK !) and Guitar Hero III with a wireless guitar !! Atleast I'll be good at this video game compared to my normal guitaring skills (or lack of!).
Purvi, Niraj, Ruchita, Maha..I missed you guys a lot ! Karaoke is never the same without my sibling and I miss the wise men Niraj !!'s been too long and Maha, well, when we do meet, it'll be a day to celebrate !! Too long now...'s been very very long since we've celebrated birthdays together; though we celebrated everything like it was a birthday to begin with. Vishal and I were talking about you over drinks (Vishal the light-weight - current, he's promised to catch up to me - claims that I cannot keep up with you, lets have a go next time shall we?) Maybe in May..I'm really looking for tickets.
Gayatri...god knows where in the world you are. I hate reading your one-liner mails. Didn't we used to have longer conversations? Or was that only under the influence? MAIL KAR ! Noodle soup date ! Of course I missed you..lots. You're coming back Feb early and I haven't had noodles in a while. Soon we'll catch up.
Shai..our poster party boy(man). No party is obviously complete without you; actually it almost feels like it's NOT a party, if you're not attending. Maybe on my Eurotrip we can hang out..
Below some more next year then !

P.S. For those who thought that this was a philosophical lecture on growing older and wiser; here's a line or two..
I grew older
I grew wiser
I grew drunker
(Actually, here is what I feel)
by Pink Floyd
Remember a day before today
A day when you were young.
Free to play alone with time
Evening never came.
Sing a song that can't be sung
Without the morning's kiss
Queen - you shall be it if you wish
Look for your king
Why can't we play today
Why can't we stay that way
Climb your favorite apple tree
Try to catch the sun
Hide from your little brother's gun
Dream yourself away
Why can't we reach the sun
Why can't we blow the years away
Blow away
Blow away