Saturday, August 22, 2009

My favourite restaurant..

My friend Haile asked Asli and I what our favourite restaurant in the City was (by City I will always mean NYC)

I've been to many different restaurants in the city but to my surprise I've probably never been to the same restaurant twice. This isn't too hard to imagine. Here's something from a forum I came across.

"nyc statistics

that lists 18,616 eating establishments in the city with 222 of them new for that year (2006). If we take 222 as our average annual turnover rate for restaurants (222 restaurants get replaced every year with a different restaurant), and an average of 3 meals for each of the 365.25 days in the year, we get a back-of-the-envelope result of about 20.3 years of eating without going to the same restaurant twice. Of course, this is assuming that we get the same number of establishments for each of the three meals, that you get each restaurant before they close down for good, and other things.

However, if we start getting a lot more inclusive with eating establishments (taco carts, halal carts, hotels, events with food, etc.), then the numbers probably get even better."

If I were asked what's my favourite hangout in the city , I'm going to shout out "The Frying Pan". Confused? Yes..check this image. It's basically a large boat convereted to a bar with some food. Chairs are scattered everywhere, grab a drink and sit there all day. One of the best times I've ever had were with my pal Mihir sitting there all day...literally !

My favourite beer place in the city is The Ginger Man introduced to me by my cousin Nirav. If you're lucky and you get there early, move to the back of the bar where there is a room with couches and enjoy the many many delicious beers they have on offer.

I shall have to try out many different places before I can choose a favourite. It's going to be a tough job but I'm looking forward to it !


  1. Did a line get deleted off your opening sentence? "(by City I will...."
    And Frying Pan is pretty nice :)

  2. Hahaha. You are right... All is edited


Thank you visitor # for wanting a part of my thoughts..