Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Awkward and weird questions?

1. "How are you?" - My doctors always asks me this...why?! Yes..I'm there to say hi and pay a co-pay. This one is extremely awkward - it's used with a stranger (noone really cares about how the stranger is doing), at a funeral (someone died! They are NOT doing good), at the hospital (ok..this one can get a different non-weird answer).

2. "Do you have any change to spare?" - Well actually I do, but I don't care enough to give any.

Hah ! I thought I had many more - obviously I don't find too many questions weird or awkward, or I just have ridiculously bad memory.

But I'm sure this post will get a few comments..


  1. Hmm
    1. Are you sleeping?
    2. How much do you make? (not weird but definitely awkward)
    3. Do you think XYZ will do/like/come to ABC? (This one particularly irritates me! Ask XYZ!!)

  2. what would you do if your kid is gay?
    this is a very awkward question mehul :)

  3. Whoops...seems I touched a nerve at the beer garden !

    Well, its certainly an awkward question. But unlike the questions that I have up on the post which are fairly trivial, it seems that this one needs some thinking. It's also awkward because it's a personal question. Almost like "Do you actually believe in God?"

  4. I don't think it needs thinking, if your kid is gay then s/he is gay. what is there to think? do you believe in god, is a personal question. I would ask to a close friend, but again what if s/he believes in god. there are no concluding answers to these questions.
    to much paper writing, I'll go back to my discussion section :)

  5. Don't you think it's a little easy to say "What is there to think?"

    Sometimes it's the process of coming to the acceptance/conclusion that's important. Thinking about awkward, weird, difficult questions makes can tell you a lot about yourself, what you agree/disagree with.

    Some "answers" don't really answer anything, but thinking about it, introspecting, arguing only makes it easier to understand/accept these questions.

  6. Last night on an episode of Soup, this woman turns in her sons stash of Playboy magazines at pawn shop. Then she goes on to ask the storekeeper "What is the most expensive playboy you've come across?"

  7. how many fingers do you have?
    are you afraid of the dark?
    if you were a tree what kind would you be?


Thank you visitor # for wanting a part of my thoughts..