Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Awkward and weird questions?

1. "How are you?" - My doctors always asks me this...why?! Yes..I'm there to say hi and pay a co-pay. This one is extremely awkward - it's used with a stranger (noone really cares about how the stranger is doing), at a funeral (someone died! They are NOT doing good), at the hospital (ok..this one can get a different non-weird answer).

2. "Do you have any change to spare?" - Well actually I do, but I don't care enough to give any.

Hah ! I thought I had many more - obviously I don't find too many questions weird or awkward, or I just have ridiculously bad memory.

But I'm sure this post will get a few comments..

Saturday, July 4, 2009

A little honesty (Part 1)

I've decided from now on that everytime I've discovered AND accepted something significant about myself, I'm going to put it out there.

  • I'm a lazy lazy person. Most of the times I really don't want to do anything. This upsets some people and others don't care. I'm lazy for small little things, and lazy for intermediate things. I'll get things done on my own time. Not for the important stuff though. I'm never lazy in the lab, never lazy about my health and never lazy for friends and family (ok..sometimes for friends and family).

  • I'm a "why?" person. If someone asks me to do something, the first and unconscious thing I say is "why?". WHY? Refer to point no. 1

I'm going to of course try and change some of the things that I've put down. With acceptance comes change....sometimes.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

In love with the Bay City.

Was in San Francisco for a short vacation. I must say it has stepped up to number 2 position in the favourite cities list..just after home. New've gone down one notch, though you'll still be dear because you're closer and a big respite from the beauty that is New Brunswick.

Some pictures can be viewed here

Thank you visitor # for wanting a part of my thoughts..