Saturday, November 10, 2007

A Simple Life (Is there one?)

I've always been an avid reader of all sorts of books with a particular interest in Science Fiction novels. But from all the different worlds and times and dimensions that I've visited (and enjoyed) in all these years, I've always had this feeling at the back of my mind that all this is just too fantastic. Noone talks like that in real life (even in the books which are supposedly based on and in an average "normal" world).

I've always wanted to write a book on my life .. which I think has been as normal as anyone elses (with it's own unique, wondrous as well as some downright depressing moments). I cannot write as well as I'd like so a novel is out of the question with the added complication that a novel actually ends. This one will too but there are no page limitations. Also, I'd never be able to read someone else's thoughts on what's happening to me. Certainly I don't care much about strangers but friends and family are a different special and elite group. They matter and what they say and think matters more. So a blog seemed to work out.

More than anything else it gives me a chance to keep or make up memories for myself and for others...and in the end, atleast for me, that's what it's all about !

Thank you visitor # for wanting a part of my thoughts..